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Web Acceleration & DoS Protection

Better performance, security and availability through Web Acceleration and DoS Protection

Benefits of Web Acceleration & DoS Protection

With Web Acceleration & DoS Protection Services, the Content Delivery Network (CDN) from Claranet, you support the maximum business success of your web applications. You increase the security, performance and availability of your web applications by using geographically distributed cache nodes and the latest intelligent denial of service protective technology.

Our solution not only protects your online business from malicious attacks, but also improves your search engine ranking and conversion rates.

    Throughout the entire process, we work closely with you and configure our services for Web Acceleration and DoS Protection to precisely match your requirements. In this way, you always benefit from fast connection of your web applications and a service desk that is available around the clock.

  • Maximum protection, even from major attacks
  • Seamless integration for accelerating your hosting services
  • Flexibly adaptable to your requirements
  • Business SLA
  • German and English-speaking 24/7 support

Web Acceleration guarantees top performance

The accessibility of web applications is a highly critical factor. Particularly in the case of e-commerce shops with a high reach and transaction volume, poor performance quickly results in a drop-off in sales. The inaccessibility of the offer leads to more abandoned pages and possibly even to a loss of customers to the competition. The speed and general accessibility of web applications decide the success of a business model.

The modern Web Acceleration Services from Claranet ensure optimal speed and extremely fast page loading, even with large websites. Claranet uses cache nodes to deliver static and dynamic content more quickly than from the originating server. These internationally distributed cache nodes ensure the greatest possible availability. If the originating server fails, your content is provided from the cache with no delay.

The latest protective technology against DoS attacks

Downtime of online services is a threat to the revenue of every company. Using external attacks like denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, attackers block resources that are then no longer available to the actual users. If adequate security measures are not taken, this has a direct impact on the performance and accessibility of their applications and data, which can lead to a complete failure of the network infrastructure.

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Accessibility is particularly critical for e-commerce shops. If the e-commerce infrastructure crashes, this can result in massive sales losses.

DoS and DDoS attacks are not a new phenomenon, but they have been increasing in complexity, scope and frequency in recent years. Never before has the risk of falling victim to a DoS or DDoS attack been as high as it is today. The increasing networking of companies and services offers almost unlimited possibilities for attack. Serial DDoS attacks that target all elementary building blocks of a company’s IT infrastructure, for example, are not uncommon. The consequences for companies are correspondingly great.

In theory, any internet user can start a DoS attack nowadays, which enormously increases the number of possible attackers.

The financial impact of service outages due to network attacks includes the direct loss of revenue as a result of temporary inaccessibility and the cost of remediation. In addition, reputational damage, future loss of revenue and future expenses for security measures must also be included.

Claranet is your competent partner for avoiding such costs and reputational damage from the outset. We take care of your risk management and ensure the scalability of the DoS Protection Services for you. We protect your shop from complex attacks with DoS and DDoS Protection. Our services are based on leading content delivery network (CDN) technologies for top performance and they are capable of protecting you even from massive attacks, while legitimate traffic is permitted and your web applications remain available.

The benefits of Web Acceleration & DoS Protection at a glance

  • Even defends against the biggest denial of service attacks
  • Extremely fast page loading, even with complex websites
  • Europe-wide high-speed CDN
  • Dynamic caching with Edge Side Includes
  • Greatest possible protection with Web Application Firewall
  • Blocking, redirecting of traffic from certain countries using geotagging, and much more
  • Creation of individual rules based on URL using page rules
  • 100 % Managed Service experts ensure optimal configuration of the systems
  • Highest SLA and availability based on geographic load distribution across several countries
  • 24/7 support with proactive monitoring