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Application Performance Management

Increase the performance and quality of your web applications. With Application Performance Management, you have everything under control: strong performance and high availability

What does Application Performance Management from Claranet offer you?

A powerful application infrastructure requires around-the-clock monitoring. This is the only way to guarantee continued high performance and availability.

You are on the safe side with Application Performance Management (APM) from Claranet. We ensure continuous monitoring of your web applications. Our Inside Application Error Analyses are carefully conducted all the way to code and database level. Vulnerabilities can be eliminated in a targeted manner. Disruptions are also minimised during the import of new releases. All activities are aimed at increasing the user experience of your web applications, thereby securing your business success.

  • High availability and strong performance
  • Continuous monitoring of the application architecture
  • Error analysis at code level
  • Performance optimisation
  • Guaranteed stability around the clock
  • Managed Service Model with personal service manager
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User Experience

Enhanced user experience

We analyse the performance and uncover vulnerabilities

An essential factor for the optimal user experience in a web application is the performance and uninterrupted availability. With Real User Monitoring from Claranet, we analyse the actual user experience from various locations, devices, browsers and bandwidths. We also use synthetic monitoring to detect vulnerabilities before your users notice them.


Availability even during load peaks

Verification of stability through simulation of load peaks

With Load Testing from Claranet, we simulate actual load peaks, which enables us to identify potential for improvement. We analyse vulnerabilities and work with you to find solutions. The stability of your application is increased before it goes live.

Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring

Analysis right up to code level

Application Performance Monitoring records the transactions of your applications and guarantees analysis right up to code level. Vulnerabilities and sources of error are identified and can be eliminated early on.

Customer Service

Your personal service manager

Takes care of your questions and project management

We also offer you a Managed Service Model for Application Performance Management. Here, your personal service manager is available to provide you with individual support.

Application Performance Management

  • Measurement and optimisation of performance
  • Detailed error analysis
  • Real User Monitoring: Recording the user experience under various usage conditions
  • Synthetic Monitoring: Monitoring by robots distributed around the world
  • Load Testing: Simulation of load peaks and optimisation
  • Inside Application Monitoring: Comprehensive performance analysis at code and database level