The Art of the SLO – March 16, 2020


Monday, March 16, 2020 - 08:00 to 16:00


Google UK, 123 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9SR

Event type: 

  • Conference

A hands on SLO workshop to develop reliability targets for your business. The content will be delivered by Claranet, with the help of Google's Customer Reliability Engineering (CRE) team.

Devising service level indicators and service level objectives that effectively measure user experiences requires knowledge of the fundamentals of SLIs and SLOs and practice examining SLIs/SLOs for potential weaknesses. In this workshop, you will review SLI/SLO fundamentals, then practice devising and checking SLIs/SLOs in groups with guidance from the Google Customer Reliability Engineering team.

Attendees are expected to have some basic knowledge of monitoring (e.g. whitebox/blackbox) and some experience with how systems can fail.

Attendees will gain appropriate knowledge and experience from the exercise of devising SLOs and SLIs for an example application to propose SLO and SLIs for their own businesses. They will understand what SLAs, SLOs, SLIs, and error budgets are and how they are related; they will be able to understand to define and measure meaningful SLOs and how to run a service or application targeting those SLOs.