AppCheckNG is a best-in-class web application and infrastructure vulnerability scanner, designed to identify security flaws within your network perimeter quickly, easily and more accurately.
Accuracy is everything
Designed by experienced penetration testers, to provide you with the capability to carry out regular security scans. AppcheckNG provides the control to identify vulnerabilities between vulnerability assessments, that if left unchecked, can quickly become a significant business risk.
Advanced, platform-agnostic fuzzing technology
The AppCheckNG scanner incorporates dynamic fuzzing technology, whereby arbitrary protocol structures treated blindly by other scanners as opaque single inputs, are broken down accurately into their true and deeper attack surface.
According to a recent research Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection, attacks increased by more than 30%. Almost half of organisations recently surveyed reported SQL injections as the most serious attacks they’ve experienced in the past 2 years.
Reduce the risk and improve your overall security posture
Identify all known web vulnerabilities
Detect critical web application security flaws, as defined by the OWASP Top Ten, e.g. SQL and XSS
Continually update your vulnerability database
Regularly assess your web applications and infrastructure against the latest threats
Sophisticated discovery
Accurate analysis of ‘Rich’ web apps via combined network and single platform browser-based scanning
Intelligent authentication
Supports complex multi-stage applications and authentication schemes
Eliminate false positives
Confirms vulnerabilities through safe exploitation, to eradicate false positives and provide proof of concept
Comprehensive reports
Vulnerabilities categorised with graphical summary. Export into easy format for distribution.
Our accreditations
Security testing, managed services and training