Airbus uses Claranet to deliver a successful product launch

Discover how Airbus ensured the successful launch of the A380 with the help of Claranet's managed hosting services.

Learn about the custom, resilient, and secure platform designed to maintain permanent website availability. See how Claranet's infrastructure handled massive traffic volumes seamlessly, ensuring zero downtime during the launch of the world's largest airliner.

Executive summary

Challenge: Airbus required a trusted managed hosting services provider to build a bespoke and reliable solution for a new product launch. Permanent website availability was paramount.

Solution: They chose Claranet to provide a resilient and secure platform for their four websites.

Result: The launch of the biggest airliner ever built (the A380) demanded huge volumes of website traffic, which Claranet's reliable hosting infrastructure was able to manage, without any down time.

Reliable and tailored hosting solution

Airbus produces commercial aircraft renowned for efficiency, innovation, and safety. Operating multiple websites worldwide, Airbus needed a reliable partner to build and manage a tailored managed hosting service and to be able to update their websites in real time. The aeronautic industry needs highly reliable, expert technical partners available at all times. Airbus chose Claranet as their hosting partner, reassured that we go the extra mile to ensure all parts of the site are up at all times.

Improved infrastructure redundancy

Airbus outsourced the hosting and the management of its websites to Claranet. We worked closely with Airbus throughout the design, implementation and management of a tailored hosting platform based on three elements:

  • improved infrastructure redundancy.
  • dedicated data storage access and back-up systems.
  • ability to update content in real time.

Airbus found that the key advantage of our managed hosting service is the ‘pre-production' platform, which makes it possible for them to change and edit their websites with no risk of unavailability.

Team of experts to manage infrastructure

A Technical Account Manager is the main point of contact throughout the project. The solution is managed by a team of expert project managers who are ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) certified - the world’s most respected qualification in the delivery of high quality IT services. We are always available, even in the middle of the night.

Shared storage for added flexibility

Claranet incorporated dedicated data storage and centralised data access provided through a NAS (Network Attached Storage) system, which enabled Airbus to share storage between the back office, the pre-production platform and the front office. This allows Claranet to quickly add new servers (if required), without copying across website data. A data backup system safeguards Airbus's business data, and a firewall is deployed for security to defend websites from online attacks.

Resilient hosting to launch A380

Airbus's website was available without interruption. On the day of the Airbus A380's first public appearance, the website received more than 600,000 unique visitors. 750,000 more visitors flocked to the website when the super jumbo jet's made its maiden flight. The solid and reliable technical framework was closely managed by a Technical Account Manager to ensure there was no degradation in customer experience.

The close working relationship we have with our Technical Account Manager has helped foster a good relationship with our other web partners and create the feeling of a "virtual web team" around We have been working with Claranet and with our Technical Account Manager for several years now. We have developed a good working relationship, with mutual trust and understanding. Airbus's Internet Manager Airbus